Upped Lyc's Aim
Upped Gore Riders 199ed
Gore Riders 195ed
WWS 160ed
Waterwalk 61life
Kuko Shakaku
Ribcracker 260ed
Heaven's Light 2os 298ed ShaelShael
Draculs 12str, 7LL
Jade Talon
Rare ring - 6LL, 82AR, 19str, 4M, 14PR
Runic Talons - +2MA, 20IAS, +2DS +3WoI +3LS
SC 2/12
LC 5/33/5FRW
GC +1 Shapeshift 7FRW
GC 10/55
Magic and socketables:
Non-magic Suwayyah 3os +2DF +3LS
Magic Suwayyah 40IAS, 299ed +2DS
Sup Dusk Shroud 14ed x2
Runes Pul+
*padrun (Mostly here)
*khfkhf|||dracul's - 4 pames
edit, if you like it, could you close fast? i need it quickly

*leeuwvvl|||Dracs - 5 pames. Yey. Overbided. And will be again.
GC +1 Shapeshift 7FRW - The pack of them: 11 rals + 5 pamis...|||Dracs 8pgs|||Gore Riders 195ed - 2pames|||I am to assume final def on upped gore is bad? if so I will take it! XD (need cheap gore..) - bidding 5 p ames on this to start. If def is good..too expensive...
stat azurewrath, and closable?|||6LL, 82AR, 19str, 4M, 14PR - 10 pgems|||9 pgs dracs.
10 pgs on the azures..
No druid skiller for me then. Don't even need it.
Do you take Amns? If so i can throw in 16 amns for those, I am not lame enough to sell em off for pgems... = 32 pgems. Rals and Pamethysts = 1.5 pgems in my list.. which means... that i will not offer em, Magpie overbided my with 8 pgems, and you say that you don't need random pgems... don't match up.
Ill retract on everything instead. Not worth the hassle.
What the hell? You offered Rals + Pames before, now you're only offering 6pgms for skiller?|||Quote:
6LL, 82AR, 19str, 4M, 14PR - 10 pgems
Pames or just pgems? I don't really need random Pgems, cause I'm not rerolling anything.
9 pgs dracs.
6 pgs on the druid skiller.
What the hell? You offered Rals + Pames before, now you're only offering 6pgms for skiller?|||5Rals and 5 PAms for Dracs.
6 Pgs for Gores 195%
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