i am hoping for some rune offers and ofc, gems.
look carefully because I am not a very organised so you may miss something.
not that there is a long loist ofc

Shako 140 (no sox, nor can be soxed. I have little questies since all my mules stop right at HF

Ormus's robe (14/10/13 + 3to ES)
Harmony 223 ED MB (sup MB with +2 sk and 9%ED. self found ofc)
Viper 35 12 MDR
2 x summon skillers (nec)
1 shael-ed WWS (170 ED PERF! :laugh: )
14max jewel
non-eth Sup BA (+2 AR :laugh: )
Lacerator (155 ED)
goldskin plate
valkyrie wing 1 sk
tal helm
non-eth Insight thresher (lv 13 med)
buriza 161 ED
3 cold skill amu
2 x raven 231, 160 AR both with 16 dex
manald heal 7% ML
windhammer 207% ED
nat helm (15, 20, 18@)
light sabre
kira's 59@
SoE 15% DR
treachery in cuirass
gonlin toe
guil face
crushflange (uniq mace for lld anyone?

magic ring 120 AR/ 5rep life (perf on both stat. Lv req 16)
lidless wall (p diamond)
my needs are
good res boots with FRW preferably, otherwise good FR, LR (CR would be bonus), with any numbers adding up to about 80 + (3 resists, stat, FRW adding up)
ml ring (5% above with str)
runes (i need 1 x dol rune!!, lems, and anything pul above)
1 baal charm so I can start rolling lol


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